Saturday, January 25, 2014

Journal 3

I must say that I love this class!  So far it is my favorite class that I am taking this semester.  I like it so much that I tell all my friends and family about it.  The main reason that I like it is because we not only learn about the business aspect of things but we are also taught about gospel things.  I love that almost everything in business can be somehow found in the gospel also. 
I have done online classes before and I usually am not super fond of group work.  It is hard to get with other people who are in different states and have different things going on in life.  For this class though I love the discussion board.  I have a great time writing in it and responding to my classmates.  I feel that each one of them always has something great to say and that they are very knowledgeable.  I am taking other classes and there is just a different feeling in this class. 
I liked reading about honesty and loyalty and learning, in depth, about what they really are and mean.  One of the videos talked about how if we are not telling the truth we are not worthy to be holding a temple recommend.  That hit me really hard as I always want to be worthy to enter into the temple and hold that temple recommend.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Journal 2

Let me tell you, 15 credits online is not an easy task.  When I feel like I am getting caught up something else comes out of nowhere.  There are so many assignments for me to work on.  I am just doing my best and I sure hope that is enough.

I watched a video that really liked.  It was talking about failing forward.  I really like how he explained things to us and how there are many people who have come up with great things that failed first.  I think it is great that we are able to fail and keep moving forward and hopefully learn from when we fail.  In IBC last fall semester I had the most amazing teacher.  His name was Brother Eaggar.  One thing that he told us in the very beginning of the semester, when we were first starting our business, he told us that it is okay to fail but when we do it to fail fast.  He taught us this because we would learn faster and have more time to continue on and do better things.

This week I made a bucket list of 50 things that I want to do.  At first it was pretty easy and I was able to come up with things quickly.  As I went on in the list it became harder and I had to really think about what I wanted.  I also saw where my priorities are right now in my life.  I enjoyed doing the assignment a lot.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Journal Entry 1

I really liked the video where Guy Kawasaki was talking to us.  He talked about doing things that we love and not just in something for the money.  This means a lot to me because sometimes they think money is everything.  I would rather be happy and not have a ton of money than be miserable and have a lot of money.  Money isn't everything but it does help.  I feel like I have to get out and do things that I love but I also have to work hard so that I am not dirt poor.  Because if that is the case I will be sad.

Being an entrepreneur never crossed my mind when I was younger.  I thought maybe I could be a nurse or in the FBI or a physical therapist.  But what I really love is the world of business.  I am very excited for this class because I will get to learn a lot about business. I liked this week because I learned a lot and gained some good insights and was able to remember things that I have read before.  I am taking 15 credits online and I am beginning to see that it is going to be a little bit rough.  I am thankful that I am able to only focus on school right now and not have to work.  It would help if I did not have the flu but I am pushing through and doing the best that I can.  Hopefully the flu will be gone soon.