Saturday, February 22, 2014

Journal 7

I always love watching the ecorner videos.  This week I felt like that was the main thing that I like.  The book report was also something that I enjoyed because I like to read.  When it comes to the business I always light up and get excited about it.  By reading books and watching videos I feel like I learn a lot because it is something that I am very interested in.  To say the least, I am very glad that I chose this major and I feel that it is perfect for me.  It is funny because my husband gets all excited when talking about education and I think he is crazy for that.  But he probably thinks I am crazy when I get all excited about business talk.

I especially liked the video where Guy spoke.  He talked about having a passion when having a business.  It is not all about being rich; it is about changing the world.  He talked about wishing he were a student again and how easy we have it compared to real life.  He told us to take our time and that there is plenty of time to suffer later.  It reminds me of a conversation I have had a few different times with my friend, Jake.  Jake is a year older than me so he has been ahead of me in school and life.  When I was in high school I just wanted to be in college.  He told me to take my time and to enjoy it while I could.  When I was in college and just wanted to get married he told me the same thing.  Now that I am married, still going to school, and paying bills I knew what he meant.  I wish I had just listened more at the time.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Journal 6

Once again I LOVED the eCorner videos.  I especially loved and two that talked about family and God.  I just got a calling today and so did my husband.  He got called as ward mission leader and I am a primary teacher.  My calling will be less demanding than his and my schedule is also less crazy than his.  With his schedule being so crazy I have been missing him a lot lately.  On Wednesday he left early morning and didn't get home until late that night.  He is in the Marines and has drill once a month that also takes up time.  Because of this we really have to do good with scheduling and making time for each other and also for church things.   There is a quote that says something like if we don't have time to read our scriptures we are busier than God ever intended us to be.  I think that is so important, so true, and is something to always remember.  Jan Newman talked about us having x amount of time.  We always have that x amount of time and we have to crunch things to make them fit.  With that being said there are things that we should not crunch.  He also talked about us needed the Lord and the Lord needing us.  If we do our home teaching then he will help us with something we need (that is just an example.)  With our families busy lives; work, school, family, and now church callings we need to remember the important things.  In 1000 years will people be asking us what company we made or how much money we made?  No.  They will ask about our family.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Journal 5

This was such a nice week for me.  I finally have a system down and have been doing well with my homework in all my classes.  I am figuring out how to really balance out my life.  This week I enjoyed watching the videos and doing the readings.  One reason I love watching these are because it pertains to my life so much!  I was talking to my sister the other day (who is on her mission) and she was saying that she is starting to think about what classes she will take in the all when she is back from her mission.  I told her that business classes are the best and it is the way to go.  She begged to differ though.  She likes more of the education type of stuff.  It got me thinking about passion like the video talks about.  I have a real passion for the business world and sometimes I don't know why all people don't love it.  My sister and I are similar in so many ways but she has a different passion than I do in many things also.  

I have been trying to decide what direction I would like to go for my internship.  I want something that will help me in the long run.  I got offered to internship with the congressman but I am not sure if I want to take that.  The thing though is that I don't want to limit myself.  A lot of the time I don't know what I will like until I try it.  I want something I will love but I know I might still have to try many things first.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Journal 4

I loved the video with the three circles titled "Do what you love".  I thought the three circles that were talked about made a whole lot of sense.  The circles talked about going for something if you have the circle traits.  The first circle was good at it.  If we are good at something then it is obvious that maybe we should do it.  The next circle is born to do it.  This was the most important circle that sometimes people don't really think about.  There are things in life that we are just naturally born to do.  It is finding those things that is the hard part.  The last circle is will I get paid to do it.  We want to do something that we will get paid to do because isn't that the reason that most people work?

"Little Things are Important" by Elder Wirthlin is such a great talk.  I have always enjoyed hearing him speak and going back and listening to his talks.  One reason that I love him so much is because I am related to him so it makes it more fun for me.  In this talk he talked about our relationships.  He talked about our relationships with ourselves, others, and with God.