Saturday, April 12, 2014

Last Lecture

I may not be a perfect person but we are here on this earth to learn and to grow and I have definitely done that.  My mom had a picture in our house that I love.  It was a saying with a picture of Christ that says “I didn't say it would be easy I only said it would be worth it.” I believe that to be so true.
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all small stuff.  In life we seem to get caught up and carried away in the moment.  It is important to breathe and take a step back and think about what is going on.  When we get caught up in the moment a lot of the time we focus on things that are, in reality, small.  The important thing is the gospel and how we are living our lives centered around that.  You should always be worthy to go into the temple.  If you really think about this then everything you do needs to be honest.  In school especially there is no need to stress if you are doing the best you can do.  The point where you will start stressing big time is if you are not doing your best.  Don't do anything that you know you will regret.  Always work hard and then play hard.  Go above and beyond.  Become a great worker and don’t just do what you are asked but look around and see what else you can do after you have finished the task at hand.  Don’t be lazy; it won't get you anywhere in life.   You can do anything you put your mind to, you just have to get out there and do it.  Don't worry too much about what other people think about you; this is your life. Always take time for your family and don't let anything ever get in the way of that.  Satan is working so hard on the family; don't let him win.  Love life and be happy.  Even when things are not going so great, try to have a positive attitude.  It will help you keep a good outlook on life.  Show people that you are happy and that you are a nice person. Do nice things for people and always be there for them when they need it. It is okay to vent when you are frustrated.  Just don't do it too much and make sure to not vent to the wrong people.  Lean on your true friends and mostly family for support.  Your family will always be there for you and they want the best for you.  Go live your dreams and always remember if you don't think anyone is on your side, the Lord always is right there with you; walking with you, running with you, pushing for you.  

Saturday, April 5, 2014

journal 13

I think every week I have talked about how the week flew by but it seriously does.  I was in Oregon at the beginning of the week with my family.  I had to go back to help out with some things and to be there in times of need.  I was grateful that I had the means to go back and that my husband was very supportive and stayed by himself for a whole week.  Throughout this semester I have really been grateful for him for helping me stay motivated to finish all my classes and to actually learn.  He is someone who LOVES learning and I wish I was like that but I feel like I have to work at it.  This week we watched some videos that were good and I have really been just thinking about this whole semester.  I can't believe that it is almost over and it is time for me to get a real job and REALLY be an adult.  I was also able to do a book report this week and finish up my book.  I loved that because I was not expecting the book to make such a difference to me like it did.  There were a lot of things that stood out to me that I talked about in my book report.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Journal 12

Well this week has FLOWN by.  I had to come home, to Oregon, to be with my family.  I came home on Tuesday and I feel like the time is just slipping away from me.  I have gotten the chance to do some homework and focus on my classes.  It is hard being home though because I want to only be spending time with my family.  My little sister, Mckenzie, is always wanting to do things with me (which I love) but it is hard.  While working on the "Mentor Session 8" this week I thought about time and balancing different things in life.  This week I have seen how difficult it is to balance things when a million other things are going on and when I need to be here for my family.  The videos were good this week and here are the links for them so I can show others what it was.

The talk from President Thomas S. Monson was great as well.  I am so excited to listen to him next week!  I have the great opportunity to attend General Conference with my husband.  I can't wait.  I always love hearing from the leaders of the church.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Journal 11

I can't believe that this semester is so close to being done.  I have to find an internship still and I am starting to get worried.  I guess I have not jumped on it as much as I should have because usually jobs just fall into my hands.  I keep hoping and praying I will find something.  This week was a pretty good one I think.  It all seems like a blur to me though.

I liked the article about money a lot.  It made me think about the lenses that I see money.  I definitely see it in a different lens than my husband does.  I want to remember what I wrote about it so I can come back and read it someday.  I have liked doing these blogs and have started a family blog because I am not good at journaling and this is helping me.  I have seen a lot when it comes to money.  I grew up in a family where we had a lot of money.  We were very well off and we were blessed.  My dad worked hard for us but still took time for us which was important to me.  As the economy went down a few years ago my dad’s building business went down too.  We had to move and save money a lot.  It was a lot different for me but I sure learned a lot.  I learned how to save and where and when to spend my money.  Because of that I was able to put myself through college.  My husband’s family is amazed at how I could do that all by myself.  I just say I did what I had to.  Because of this I was really good at budgeting and keeping track of my money.  I love money but sometimes it is hard to work with. I view money as a good thing if you are using it right.  A budget is such a great thing!  My husband and I budget and it has really helped us.  As newly married we need that and we need the knowledge that I have.  I was talking to my husband the other day and I said “when I worked at BR and asked if people wanted a receipt and they said no it made me cringe.”  He said that before he met me he never took his receipts or really kept good track of his money.  I am glad that he sees things differently through a different lenses per say.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Journal 10

One thing that I will really miss when this semester is over is all of the great videos that I am required to watch each week.  I always watch a couple in this class and then a couple in my other classes.  These videos seem to really hit me and help to motivate me.  Some speakers hit me more than others but there is always at least one per week that I really love.  This week I loved the video "Think Big" by Taylor Richards.  At first I didn't really know what he was trying to get at but in the end the message was powerful.  He talked about a top 100 list and his company being in it.  He thought that they would probably be somewhere in the 70s but they ended up being number 11.  At the end he said something along the lines of this... Do not under estimate, go for your goals and dreams, do impossible amazing great things with the Lord involved, it is no harder to be great than good, pursue your goals and dreams, don't let anyone tell you you can't, go for it, dream huge.

I also met with Brother Jones today for a short little bit.  We were able to go over my grades and talk through things.  I am so thankful that I have a professor who cares about how I am doing in the class.  It really means a lot to me.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Journal 9

Another crazy week done. It is very nice to be able to work on this class and relax a little bit.  For some reason this class calms me down and helps me feel better about different things going on.  I had a new niece that was born yesterday.  It is crazy to think that she was just up in Heaven with our Heavenly Father.
There were two videos this week that i enjoyed watching.  The one I like the best talked about trust.  I just joined this family a few months ago and they already trust me.  Some members of my husbands family have hard times with trusting other but it is really nice to know that I am trusted by them.  It took some time though but that comes along in time.  If you trust others most of the time they will be able to trust you.  I want people to be able to trust me and to be a rust worthy person.
One of the readings was about small L leadership.  This was a great review for me because it hasn't been on the forefront of my mind lately.  I learned a lot about this type of leadership in IBC and have applied those learnings.
It was a good week!  Now onto next week.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Journal 8

I really loved the videos this week (like always).  My favorite was the one where Elder Holland was talking.  The video is called “Good Things to Come”.  One reason that I liked this so much was because my family is going through a hard time.  I wish that my parents would just get a break already for a little while.  I love what he said at the end.

·         Don’t you quit.  You keep walking.  You keep trying.
·         There is help and happiness ahead.
·         Some come some come late and some don’t come til heaven. 
·         But those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ they come.
·         It will be alright in the end. 

·         Trust god and believe in good things to come.

I took some notes on the other videos that I would like to share and write them down so I can remember them.

Eric Ries
·         What is root cost if something goes wrong
·         The human problem
·         Do analysis when something goes wrong
·         The 5 layersà find one in each stage
·         The 5 why
      Do an hours work

Heath Bradley
·         Figure out who is the roofer
·         Sales since a little kid
·         Addresses on curb 5 dollars
·         180 in 2 hours
·         People want to help you attain a big goal
·         How can you impact the world and my world
·         Successful business and in collegeà almost running two different tracks.
·         How much knowledge you can gain not give
·         You don’t have to know everything
·         Seek out mentorsà get off the roof
·         I should know this I cant ask this what will they think??--> throw it out the window
·         Great people in the world that will help you
Taylor Richards
·         Always keep pushing ahead keep moving forward never quit do the right things.
·         Lord help to do the right things. 
·         Involve the lord. 
·         You will see yourself do great things and great opportunities. 
·         Not underestimating yourself and the lord. 
·         NEPHI
·         You can do whatever you set your mind to with the lord.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Journal 7

I always love watching the ecorner videos.  This week I felt like that was the main thing that I like.  The book report was also something that I enjoyed because I like to read.  When it comes to the business I always light up and get excited about it.  By reading books and watching videos I feel like I learn a lot because it is something that I am very interested in.  To say the least, I am very glad that I chose this major and I feel that it is perfect for me.  It is funny because my husband gets all excited when talking about education and I think he is crazy for that.  But he probably thinks I am crazy when I get all excited about business talk.

I especially liked the video where Guy spoke.  He talked about having a passion when having a business.  It is not all about being rich; it is about changing the world.  He talked about wishing he were a student again and how easy we have it compared to real life.  He told us to take our time and that there is plenty of time to suffer later.  It reminds me of a conversation I have had a few different times with my friend, Jake.  Jake is a year older than me so he has been ahead of me in school and life.  When I was in high school I just wanted to be in college.  He told me to take my time and to enjoy it while I could.  When I was in college and just wanted to get married he told me the same thing.  Now that I am married, still going to school, and paying bills I knew what he meant.  I wish I had just listened more at the time.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Journal 6

Once again I LOVED the eCorner videos.  I especially loved and two that talked about family and God.  I just got a calling today and so did my husband.  He got called as ward mission leader and I am a primary teacher.  My calling will be less demanding than his and my schedule is also less crazy than his.  With his schedule being so crazy I have been missing him a lot lately.  On Wednesday he left early morning and didn't get home until late that night.  He is in the Marines and has drill once a month that also takes up time.  Because of this we really have to do good with scheduling and making time for each other and also for church things.   There is a quote that says something like if we don't have time to read our scriptures we are busier than God ever intended us to be.  I think that is so important, so true, and is something to always remember.  Jan Newman talked about us having x amount of time.  We always have that x amount of time and we have to crunch things to make them fit.  With that being said there are things that we should not crunch.  He also talked about us needed the Lord and the Lord needing us.  If we do our home teaching then he will help us with something we need (that is just an example.)  With our families busy lives; work, school, family, and now church callings we need to remember the important things.  In 1000 years will people be asking us what company we made or how much money we made?  No.  They will ask about our family.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Journal 5

This was such a nice week for me.  I finally have a system down and have been doing well with my homework in all my classes.  I am figuring out how to really balance out my life.  This week I enjoyed watching the videos and doing the readings.  One reason I love watching these are because it pertains to my life so much!  I was talking to my sister the other day (who is on her mission) and she was saying that she is starting to think about what classes she will take in the all when she is back from her mission.  I told her that business classes are the best and it is the way to go.  She begged to differ though.  She likes more of the education type of stuff.  It got me thinking about passion like the video talks about.  I have a real passion for the business world and sometimes I don't know why all people don't love it.  My sister and I are similar in so many ways but she has a different passion than I do in many things also.  

I have been trying to decide what direction I would like to go for my internship.  I want something that will help me in the long run.  I got offered to internship with the congressman but I am not sure if I want to take that.  The thing though is that I don't want to limit myself.  A lot of the time I don't know what I will like until I try it.  I want something I will love but I know I might still have to try many things first.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Journal 4

I loved the video with the three circles titled "Do what you love".  I thought the three circles that were talked about made a whole lot of sense.  The circles talked about going for something if you have the circle traits.  The first circle was good at it.  If we are good at something then it is obvious that maybe we should do it.  The next circle is born to do it.  This was the most important circle that sometimes people don't really think about.  There are things in life that we are just naturally born to do.  It is finding those things that is the hard part.  The last circle is will I get paid to do it.  We want to do something that we will get paid to do because isn't that the reason that most people work?

"Little Things are Important" by Elder Wirthlin is such a great talk.  I have always enjoyed hearing him speak and going back and listening to his talks.  One reason that I love him so much is because I am related to him so it makes it more fun for me.  In this talk he talked about our relationships.  He talked about our relationships with ourselves, others, and with God.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Journal 3

I must say that I love this class!  So far it is my favorite class that I am taking this semester.  I like it so much that I tell all my friends and family about it.  The main reason that I like it is because we not only learn about the business aspect of things but we are also taught about gospel things.  I love that almost everything in business can be somehow found in the gospel also. 
I have done online classes before and I usually am not super fond of group work.  It is hard to get with other people who are in different states and have different things going on in life.  For this class though I love the discussion board.  I have a great time writing in it and responding to my classmates.  I feel that each one of them always has something great to say and that they are very knowledgeable.  I am taking other classes and there is just a different feeling in this class. 
I liked reading about honesty and loyalty and learning, in depth, about what they really are and mean.  One of the videos talked about how if we are not telling the truth we are not worthy to be holding a temple recommend.  That hit me really hard as I always want to be worthy to enter into the temple and hold that temple recommend.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Journal 2

Let me tell you, 15 credits online is not an easy task.  When I feel like I am getting caught up something else comes out of nowhere.  There are so many assignments for me to work on.  I am just doing my best and I sure hope that is enough.

I watched a video that really liked.  It was talking about failing forward.  I really like how he explained things to us and how there are many people who have come up with great things that failed first.  I think it is great that we are able to fail and keep moving forward and hopefully learn from when we fail.  In IBC last fall semester I had the most amazing teacher.  His name was Brother Eaggar.  One thing that he told us in the very beginning of the semester, when we were first starting our business, he told us that it is okay to fail but when we do it to fail fast.  He taught us this because we would learn faster and have more time to continue on and do better things.

This week I made a bucket list of 50 things that I want to do.  At first it was pretty easy and I was able to come up with things quickly.  As I went on in the list it became harder and I had to really think about what I wanted.  I also saw where my priorities are right now in my life.  I enjoyed doing the assignment a lot.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Journal Entry 1

I really liked the video where Guy Kawasaki was talking to us.  He talked about doing things that we love and not just in something for the money.  This means a lot to me because sometimes they think money is everything.  I would rather be happy and not have a ton of money than be miserable and have a lot of money.  Money isn't everything but it does help.  I feel like I have to get out and do things that I love but I also have to work hard so that I am not dirt poor.  Because if that is the case I will be sad.

Being an entrepreneur never crossed my mind when I was younger.  I thought maybe I could be a nurse or in the FBI or a physical therapist.  But what I really love is the world of business.  I am very excited for this class because I will get to learn a lot about business. I liked this week because I learned a lot and gained some good insights and was able to remember things that I have read before.  I am taking 15 credits online and I am beginning to see that it is going to be a little bit rough.  I am thankful that I am able to only focus on school right now and not have to work.  It would help if I did not have the flu but I am pushing through and doing the best that I can.  Hopefully the flu will be gone soon.